Super cool man...
Fantastic images
Fantastic Planet 1973 is a stop motion animation written and directed by Rene Laloux. It is a story about humans who live in a planet also inhabited by strange blue alien-like creatures that treat the humans like pets. It is based on French novel Oms en serie from 1967.
The imagery and some of the ideas displayed in this film are very interesting and reminiscent of hippie culture. The aliens have this concept of collective imagination and passing on information unto new generations through an out-of-body thought transfer system. Hippies were into the psychedelic and out-of-body experiences like shared spiritual connections and collective thought. At the same time, the strange style of visuals and colors and even the peculiar clothing can be related to hippie culture. Even though they are not exactly the same, the "trippy" imagery is very interesting. The "alien's" physical contortions can also be related to hippie culture. They believed in shared love and would often partake in collective group sexual activity. Also, yoga like practices were adopted and the body as a whole was let out and given more freedom.
The concept of peace and love is also at play in the film as this human-alien society is at conflict and war throughout the story. By the end however, there is resolution to their conflict and human and aliens are able to live together in harmony alluding to hippie's ideas of peace, all-inclusive love for all, and a sense of community which happens automatically as the humans and aliens come to share their fantastic planet.
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