Wednesday, September 21, 2016

This s**t is Real Life

Occurrences of Calvin and Hobbes

After reading a few strips of Calvin and Hobbes I came to realize and greatly appreciate how relatable the stories are. Calvin and his "stuffed animal" tiger friend Hobbes engage in interesting situations of every day life and give them a humorous twist. Calvin is a very small child, yet his voice in the comics is a little above his age level (his vocabulary is also of an older and well read person). Him and Hobbes act like children, but sometimes like a pair of best 30-somethign-year-old-friends.

They are about every day life situations with a twist and sometimes things that we wish we could to in real life happen as if they were incredibly normal. The characters, like Calvin's mom and dad also act almost intuitively speaking their minds on every subject, bringing a level of honesty to the strip that makes it very engaging and relatable.

Another interesting thing about the comic series is that they are very similar in purpose to today's "memes." They are short snip bits of every dar life and they express what we may be feeling in some situations but never actually say like when Calvin daydreams about whoever is speaking to him as a space alien that he is battling. I can see a meme that says "that moment when you're getting yelled at and you space out." I can see this being the origin of those pop-culture icons we know today and it is very interesting to see how they were made and distributed before.

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